Mozaik 11. History and Reconciliation
Ecumenical Journal WSCF Europe Region
NAGYPÁL Szabolcs: Hand in Hand
Orinta ZVIKAITE-RÖTTING: The Meaning of Reconciliation
Redrafted Memories
Lene Suh NICOLAISEN: Changing the Way we Remember
NAGYPÁL Szabolcs: The Ministry of Reconciliation through Kenosis
Henrik Lindberg HANSEN: The Postmodern as Denominational Reconciliation
Daniela Lucia RAPISARDA: Called to Reconciliation: Churches and the "Sensitive" Issue of Female Leadership
Cloaks of Sophia
ROZS-NAGY Szilvia: The Two Cloaks of Aristippos
Peter AJDA: The Historical Message of Virtuous Atheism or the Christian-Atheist Alliance against Fundamentalism
Tatsiana ZAVERZHENETS: The Personalism of Emmanuel Mounier
Inflaming the Rainbow
John George HUBER: Seven Roads and Seven Realities under an Ecumenical Rainbow
Kate WILSON: Churches Reconciled in Love? The Colloquium Charitativum (Torun, 1645)
Torsten MORITZ: Admiring the Ashes or Keeping the Flame Alive? Between Rebellion and Tradition: How WSCF History can be an Inspiration for Truth and Reconciliation?
Geometry of Unity
Alfredo SALGADO: Poverty and Reconciliation. Reciprocated Interest - Ways of Approaching Poverty
Peter CIACCIO: Two Parallel European Histories
Suzanna VERGOUWE: What's Love got to Do with it? Reflections on the Unification of Europe
Kamelia KONSTANTINOVA: Reconciling Denominations: Ecumenical Developments in Bulgaria
Bible Studies
Nienke PRUIKSMA: Reconciliation and History: Psalm 103