On Latin America and Europe
Mozaik 13.
On Latin America and Europe

Ecumenical Journal
WSCF Europe Region

NAGYPÁL Szabolcs: Old World, New World?

On the Same Track?
Silke LECHNER: Latin America and Europe - Worlds Apart Yet on the Same Track. Which Latin America? Which Europe?
Simone LANZA: Wind of Ecumenical Renewal: Six Small Windows between Latin America and Europe
Sören ASMUS: The Conquest of Latin America: Europe and the External Other
Jon BERGEA: Europe, Central America and Development Aid Cooperation

Windows between Two Worlds
Mária MEDVECZKÁ: Two Faces of Socialism? Czechoslovakia and Cuba
Lucas VEIRA SAND: Putting Recent Argentine Economic History into Context
Martin ALMADA: The Condor Plan and Dictatorship in Paraguay
Ekaterina KOLESNIKOVA: A Dictatorship in the Midst of Europe: The Case of Belarus

Theology and Liberation
Manuel QUINTERO: The Ecumenical Movement in Latin America and Its Relation to Europe
NAGYPÁL Szabolcs: European Integration and the Unity of the Church
Ignacio TRUJILLO M.: The Relationship between Economy and Theology in the Spirituality of Latin American Resistance
Cristian BUCHIU: Colonialism and Disparities: The Birth of Liberation Theology
Pablo ROMO CEDANO: Liberation Theologies and Current Challenges
Malena BJÖRKGREN: Liberation Theology and Feminist Theology: Similarities and Differences