 Mozaik 23. Grace Ecumenical Journal WSCF Europe Region
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Coping with Diversity
Anastasia GKITSI: There Are Some Memories
Simon BARROW: In the Blink of an Eye Faith, Pluralism, Communication and the Changing World
Arlington TROTMAN: Challenges and Opportunities of Migration in Multi-faith, Multi-ethnic Europe
Sören ASMUS: Migrant and Mainline Churches Together on a new Journey
NAGYPÁL Szabolcs: Relations and Dialogue Between Religions and Denominations Reconciliation and Common Witness in Yugoslavia
Christina KLEIS: Theologies of Religion in Relation to Interfaith Dialogue
Daniel KUNZ: Living Faiths Together Tool Kit on Interreligious Dialogue in Youth Work
Grace in Communion
Anastasia GKITSI: Sharing Communion at Eucharist Liturgies An Orthodox Perspective
Kate WILSON: One Bread and One Body
Tibor MAHRIK: A Dilemma Hidden in Music
Challenge of Beauty
Dorte Kappelgaard : Created to Create
Michael Hanna : Right Brain in a Left Brain World A Scientist's Take on Art and Image in Health Science Education
Alastair Hulbert : There Is Another World, But It's This One
Pilgrimage Together
Ruth Conway : Giving the Gospel Hands and Feet
Katharina Igenbergs : Dear senior friends from all over Europe!
Liam Purcell : Unity, Community and Continuity
Salters STERLING and Kate WILSON: The Meaning of SCM: From Yesterday till Tomorrow
Rachael Weber : A Living Pilgrimage The Taizé Way.
Resource: Praying in the Streets
Liturgy: United in Grace
Submissions: Gender, Society and Religion
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