 Mozaik 7. (Vol. V, 1999/1) Is Student Protest Dead? Ecumenical Journal WSCF Europe Region
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Tim WOODCOCK: Editorial
Rob CHALLIS: To Study and Struggle... Paris: Mai 68
Jiří SIBRT: Prague Spring (1968)
Donald REID: East Timor: Betrayed yet not Afraid
Tim WOODCOCK: Protest in the 90s: Turning the 60s upside-down?
Georgine DJEUTANE: Time to Take a Sab-bath... (Jubilee and the State of Ecumenism)
Alastair HULBERT: Longitudinal Thinking (How we Map ourselves)
Torsten MORITZ: WSCF: Is the W for Wishy-Washy?
Craig COOLING: Can't Live with You, can't Live without You (British SCM and the Churches)
Tim WOODCOCK Olga OLEINIK Dominic HEANEY: Who is your Favourite Saint or Hero? Digging Deeper
Emily BARDELL: Double Helping (Easter in Glasgow and Moscow)
WSCF-Europe News National Movement Reports
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