Dreaming Our Neighbour
Dreaming Our Neighbour
The Shoa and the Utopiæ of Yesterday

Ecumenical Anthology V
WSCF Central European Subregion
Edited by NAGYPÁL Szabolcs, Rebecca BLOCKSOME & Peter ŠAJDA
BGÖI & WSCF-CESR, Warszawa, 2006.

Rebecca BLOCKSOME - NAGYPÁL Szabolcs - Peter ŠAJDA: The Silenced Voices of Our Other Self

I. Shoa  and  Catharsis
SZABÓ András: Consequences of the Shoa for Contemporary Theology
Karl-Reinhart TRAUNER: Security and Independency: The Third Reich as the Myth of the XXth Century?
Eva TAXACHER: Austria: Dealing with the Holocaust Exemplified by the Lacking Remigration of Scientists
OROVA Csaba: Emptied Squares in the City of God: A Space for Catharsis
Peter TAVEL: Hatred and the Human Mind: Psychological Implications of the Holocaust Based on the Work of Viktor E. Frankl

II. Who  Is  My  Neighbour?
NAGYPÁL Szabolcs: Prayer is Our Identity: Spiritual Values in Hasidic Wisdom
NOVOTNY Dániel: "Ghost in the Shell": Solitude in the Technical Environment (Introductory Thoughts on Cybertheology)
Peter ŠAJDA: The Love of the One-Eyed for the Fresco: Some Thoughts on Love-as-One and Love-as-Many in Meister Eckhart
Roman KRÁLIK: Søren Kierkegaard and his Prayers
Jamie MORAN: Faith as the 'Leap of Passion'

III. Experiments  in  Dialogue
Adrián SLAVKOVSKÝ: Credit Cards of the Holy and Dirty Money of Faith: Shapes of Religion in Contemporary Society
Milenko OBRADOVIČ: Human Rights in the Next Sixty Years: Have We Made Any Progress?
Huub VOGELAAR: An Ecumenical Journey in Romania: Orthodox-Protestant Relationships since 1989
Ankica DRAGIN: Map of Religious Communities of Novi Sad: A Case Study
Daniel PASTIRČÁK: Damian's River
'May Their Voices Never Be Silenced': The Spirit of Central Europe Sixty Years After Shoa