Christians, Empire and Basileia
Student World 250.
Christians, Empire and Basileia

Ecumenical Review
World Student Christian Federation (WSCF)

NAGYPÁL Szabolcs: Citizens in the Reign of God

Spirituality of the Cross
Anthony STRANO: Spirituality and Politics
Jamie MORAN: The Cross is in the World
Sören ASMUS: Modernity and the Other

Empire and Humanity
Otto KROESEN: From Empire to Globalization and Œcumene
Bogdan POPESCU: Ambrosius, the Bishop who Defeated an Emperor
Robert TULIP: The Human Number: Theological Reflections on Empire

Foretaste of Ecumenism
NAGYPÁL Szabolcs: Common Witness as a Foretaste of the Basileia
John George HUBER: What is the Ultimate Ecumenical Challenge on the Bumpy Road to Christian Unity?
FEDOR Mónika: Vision of Youth in Service for Unity: On the IXth WCC Assembly in Porto Alegre
Ignacio T. MONZALVO: ¿Qué es y Como se Vive el Ecumenismo?

Engagement and Discipleship
Tony GENCO: Celebrating our Differences and a Call to Civic Engagement
Serge (Jovanie) TANKEU KEUSSEU: Jeunesse, VIH/SIDA et Empire: Quelles Actions?
David BALL: Liberation is Near: Discipleship in Lebanon Besieged
David BALL: Wounded Love
David BALL: Guilt for Leaving Lebanon in Flames

Prayer and Eucharist
Imperio y Basileia: Día Universal de Oración por los Estudiantes (DUOE, 2006)
Empire et Basileia: Journée Mondiale de Prière des Étudiants (JMPÉ, 2006)
Empire and Basileia: Universal Day of Prayer for Students (UDPS, 2006)