Mozaik 1. (Vol. I, 1992/1) Changes in Education in Europe Ecumenical Journal WSCF Europe Region
Michael FEAKES: Editor's Letter (Editorial)
WSCF-Europe News National Movement Reports
The New Crew (ERC 1991-93)
Caroline BAILEY: A Sip of Frascati (ERC 1989-91)
Hannes UNGAR: Once upon a Time... Theological Working Group (1989-91)
WSCF Conferences
KOVÁCS Zsolt Michael FEAKES: The Feast of Hirschluch (ERA 1991)
Becky HERVEY Nat TAPLIN: Let us Survive! (Strasbourg Ecology Conference 1991)
Vassilis ARGYRIS: Ecology and Orthodoxy (Strasbourg Ecology Conference 1991)
Anders WESSLUND Felix DAMPFL: Education Now! How it is, How it is Changing
Paula MIETTINEN: Buddy, can you Spare a Dime?
Hannes UNGAR: Unsere Bildung: Zu hoch? Zu tief? Zu was?
Tobias BRANDNER: Perestroika an der Universität
Sven-Eric LIEDMAN: Formula for Free, Open and Critical Studies
KOVÁCS Zsolt: New Times, New Chances. Youth Movements in Hungary
Rou FROUNTZOU: Exodus to Serifos. Summer Meeting in Greece (1991)
Kari SIRKIÄ: In Search of the Cosmic. Nordic Summer Meeting (Vuonislahti 1991)
Joanna PIETERS: "Christ Became Poor for our Sake" (EYCE GM, Grand St. Bernard 1991)
Becky BRANNAN: "The New Challenges of the European Community" (EEC Church and Society, Brussels 1991)
Ruth HARVEY: "For the Life of the World" (Syndesmos Festival, Alexandroupolis 1991)
René DE VRIES: "Celebrate! Many Gifts, One Spirit" (CESCM, Louisville 1990)
Anders WESSLUND: Programmatic Working Group and Network (1991-93)
Włodek MISIJUK Becky BRANNAN: Eastern Europe Project (1989-1991)
Christiane KEMMLER: Women's Network (1991-93)