Peace as a lifestyle
Mozaik 21. (Vol. XIII, 2008/1)
Peace as a lifestyle

Ecumenical Journal
WSCF Europe Region

Peace as a lifestyle
Norman KEMBER: The Power of Nonviolent Action - Disregarded History
Rachael WEBER: Reflections on Peace
Martha BEALE: The Philosophy of Nonviolence: Still Radical, Still Relevant
Roman KRÁLIK: Pure heart - Basis of Peace

Resources for Peace
Elias EL-HALABI: Promoting a Climate of Mutual Understanding and Respect between Communities through Service: Ways and Means
Kristian BRAKEL: Interreligious Dialogue as a Contribution to Conflict Transformation: A Practitioners' Guide
Torbjørn ASKEVOLD: Religion - Source of Conflict or Resource for Peace: Islamic pacifism
Martha BEALE and Tim STREET: Study War No More: Military Involvement in UK Universities
Victoria TEVIS: Make Music, Not War
Rachael WEBER: Circadian Rhythms

WSCF in Focus
Message of WSCF Europe Senior Friends
Christina AYAZI: Student Migration

Last Things
A Liturgy to Remember
Anastasia GKITSI: Pretexts / Pretestes Bas