Communicating Vocation
Communicating Vocation
Spirituality Down to Earth

Ecumenical Anthology VIII
WSCF Central European Subregion
Edited by Rebecca BLOCKSOME & NAGYPÁL Szabolcs
BGÖI & WSCF-CESR & Oikumené - Akademická YMCA, Budapest-Praha, 2009.

NAGYPÁL Szabolcs - Rebecca BLOCKSOME: Staying on the Paved Path

I. Eternal Values: Hunting for Vocation
Aaron C. STEVENS: Storylinking in the Global Church: African American Wisdom as a Guide for Discernment in the Central European Context
Libor MAREK: Marriage as Vocation and its Value (Based on 1Cor 7,32-35)
Pavel HANES: The Response of the New Testament Church to Material Needs and Materialism
Nerija PUTINAITE: Paradox of Christianity in Contemporary Democracy: Presence and Vocation
Jamie MORAN: God is a Gambler
Peter ŠAJDA: The Very Same Eye: A Baptismal Meditation
Daniel PASTIRČÁK: The Eternity Tale

II. Unlimited Dialogue: Passion Communicated
Sören ASMUS: Dialogue as Unlimited Interpretation
John George HUBER: A Lutheran - Roman Catholic Initiative in the United States Dialogues
NAGYPÁL Szabolcs: Speaking the Truth in Love: An Ecumenical Framework for Interreligious Dialogue
SÁRKÁNY Péter: An Outline of the Philosophical Care of the Soul: Phenomenology, Existential-Analytic Logotherapy and Philosophical Counselling
Patricia BLOCKSOME: The Birth, Death and Resurrection of Theatre: Religion's Cyclical Relationship with the Stage
Jamie MORAN: Cleave: The Hebrew Word for Passion
Rebecca BLOCKSOME: Ut Pictura Poesis: Word and Image in Early Modernism

III. Central Europe: A Responsible Identity
Holger LAHAYNE: Religion, Democratic Society and the Individual in Lithuania
NAGYPÁL Szabolcs: Proselytism and Religious Freedom: The Case of Russia, Ukraine and Poland
Holger LAHAYNE: Law and Responsibility from a Reformed Perspective
Rebecca BLOCKSOME: Time and Territoriality: Delineating Place and Self in Winter Stores
Andrea JÁGEROVÁ: By-names and other Mockeries of Slovak Towns and Villages
Daniel PASTIRČÁK: A Fairytale about a Jester and a King