Mozaik is the ecumenical journal of the World Student Christian Federation (WSCF) Europe Region. It was established in 1992 and is published twice a year (mostly) in English, in connection with the thematic conferences of the four interest groups (theology, culture and higher education, solidarity and gender) of WSCF Europe. The contributors come from various Christian denominations: Anglican, Orthodox, Protestant and Roman Catholic.
 Mozaik 28. Living in a World of Technology Ecumenical Journal WSCF Europe Region Articles
|  Mozaik 27. Climate Justice Now! Ecumenical Journal WSCF Europe Region Articles |
 Mozaik 26. Stop Being Silent! Ecumenical Journal WSCF Europe Region
|  Mozaik 25. The Powers that Be Ecumenical Journal WSCF Europe Region |
 Mozaik 24. So God Made Ecumenical Journal WSCF Europe Region
|  Mozaik 23. Grace Ecumenical Journal WSCF Europe Region |
 Mozaik 22. A Just Life or just life ? Ecumenical Journal WSCF Europe Region
|  Mozaik 21. Peace as a lifestyle Ecumenical Journal WSCF Europe Region |
 Mozaik 20. Migration Ecumenical Journal WSCF Europe Region
|  Mozaik 19. Family: Expectations and Exceptions Ecumenical Journal WSCF Europe Region |
 Mozaik 18. Religion & Society Ecumenical Journal WSCF Europe Region
|  Mozaik 17. Faces of Modern Poverty Ecumenical Journal WSCF Europe Region |
 Mozaik 16. Towards a New Culture of Education Ecumenical Journal WSCF Europe Region
|  Mozaik 15. Human Rights: A Gender Perspective Ecumenical Journal WSCF Europe Region |
 Mozaik 14. Interreligious Dialogue: From Hostility to Hospitality Ecumenical Journal WSCF Europe Region
|  Mozaik 13. Latin America and Europe Ecumenical Journal WSCF Europe Region |
 Mozaik 12. Black and White Ecumenical Journal WSCF Europe Region
|  Mozaik 11. History and Reconciliation Ecumenical Journal WSCF Europe Region |
 Mozaik 10. Ecumenical Spirituality: Roots and Fruits Ecumenical Journal WSCF Europe Region
|  Mozaik 9. Embodied Faith Ecumenical Journal WSCF Europe Region |
 Mozaik 8. Globalisation: A Challenge to our Faith? Ecumenical Journal WSCF Europe Region
|  Mozaik 7. (1999/1) Is Student Protest Dead? Ecumenical Journal WSCF Europe Region |
 Mozaik 6. (1998/1) Is Death Alive among Students? Ecumenical Journal WSCF Europe Region
|  Mozaik 5. (1994/1) Ecumenism and Orthodox Youth Ecumenical Journal WSCF Europe Region |
 Mozaik 4. (1993/2) Take off your Shoes You are Living in Modern Society Ecumenical Journal WSCF Europe Region
|  Mozaik 3. (1993/1) Sharing the Gifts, Freeing the Spirit Ecumenical Journal WSCF Europe Region |
 Mozaik 2. (1992/2) Europe Latin America: 500 Years Ahead Ecumenical Journal WSCF Europe Region
|  Mozaik 1. (1992/1) Changes in Education in Europe Ecumenical Journal WSCF Europe Region |